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2012/12/13 11:44:20


晨勃是指男性在清晨4~7點陰莖在無意識自然勃起,無受情景、動作、思維的控 制所自然勃起。晨勃是性功能正常及強弱的重要表現或指標。正常男子的陰莖,除了在性刺激和某種外界刺激下會勃起外,通常處於鬆弛狀態。但是有時內臟器官的 反射作用也會導致陰莖勃起。最明顯的是早晨清醒前時常會出現陰莖勃起,醫學上稱之為清晨勃起。但其實泌尿科醫師表示,真正能反映男性性功能障礙的重要指 標,是夜間睡眠時的勃起,有沒有晨勃,僅供參考的成分較大。






而 夜間勃起是伴隨著快速睡眠相而出現的陰莖活動。所謂快速睡眠相,即通常所說的深度睡眠,此時眼球快速不規則運動,肌肉更加鬆弛,體溫和血壓升高,呼吸、心 率加快,體內各種代謝功能明顯增加。在這一階段,人們往往會做夢。這時出現勃起,可以給陰莖灌注高血流量,保証氧氣和營養物質的補充,是勃起功能的自我維 護。這種勃起不受心理因素的干擾,能真實地表現出性功能狀況。



男 性性成熟後,陰莖在早晨會經常出現晨勃,對男性來說,早晨體內雄性激素分泌比較旺盛,有利於激發性欲和勃起。此時的勃起程度,比其他任何時間都更堅硬、更 持久,會讓男人在性愛方面更自信。此時,看著愛人慵懶而性感的躺在身邊,不妨溫柔地親吻愛撫她,來一次完美的性愛大餐。這時過性生活能獲得較好的效果,而 且可以更省力。





而 男性晨勃自慰時所達到的第一次射精,此時的精液最適合拿來「口服」食用,精液由精子和精漿組成,其中精子占5%左右,其餘為精漿。它除了含有水、果糖、蛋 白質和脂肪外,還含有多種酶類和無機鹽。精漿裏含有果糖和蛋白質,都是精子的營養物質。此外,在組成精漿的50幾種化學物質中,有引起人們正面情緒的皮質 醇(cortisol) (增加吸引力)、雌酮(estrone)及催產素(oxytocin) (提振情緒)、羥色胺(抗憂鬱的神經傳導物質)等,含有提升情緒,可增加感情、 誘導睡眠並且包含至少三種抗憂抑鬱物質。

有生育力的正常 男性,晨勃自慰後一次的射精量約為2到6毫升,平均3.5ml。也是口服精液最佳的食用量,雖然研究指出,喝牛奶不如喝精液,但因為精液的來源有限,一般 人在早晨並無法取得大量的精液,因此專家建議,可將精液透過加入在早餐的食物當中,如豆漿、牛奶等營養飲品,將精液混入其中飲用,也可達到口服攝取的效 果。


一般人都認為女性服用精液可以抗衰老,平衡陰陽,治療女性月經不調,改善更年期癥狀。但其 實有學者專家指出,男性比女性更需要服用精液,精液中混合有男性激素,此物質對製造男性荷爾蒙(Testosterone)極有幫助。其中的抗抑鬱功效能 產生如服食興奮劑的“副作用”,增加男性對性的刺激度;因具有緩減緊張和憂慮之效,有助壯膽,提升冒險精神,追女仔都勇敢。

另外精液中含 有少量維生素和糖等營養成分,能改善睾丸的生精功能;碳水化合物成分的合成物,這對控制血壓有好處。因為腎上腺一類的應急激素會使血管變窄,從而使血壓升 高,影響正常勃起,因此男性服用精液便可改善此症狀。現在科學已經發現晨勃精液含有豐富的鈣、維生素 E、磷及鉀,能夠補充活力以增長持久力並刺激性激素的分泌,也就是說男性在晨勃自慰達到射精之後取得的精液,立即服用,最可增加性能力。

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Even tis article mentioned tht eating cum is gd for health?! But think not everyone can take cum lor, some might have stomach discomfort after swallowing cum?!




Spend time counting your blessings,

not airing your complaints.

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2012/12/13 11:44:20何謂男性晨勃?

晨勃是指男性在清晨4~7點陰莖在無意識自然勃起,無受情景、動作、思維的控 制所自然勃起。晨勃是性功能正常及強弱的重要表現或指標。正常男子的陰莖,除了在性刺激和某種外界刺激下會勃起外,通常處於鬆弛狀態。但是有時內臟器官的 反射作用也會導致陰莖勃起。最明顯的是早晨清醒前時常會出現陰莖勃起,醫學上稱之為清晨勃起。但其實泌尿科醫師表示,真正能反映男性性功能障礙的重要指 標,是夜間睡眠時的勃起,有沒有晨勃,僅供參考的成分較大。






而 夜間勃起是伴隨著快速睡眠相而出現的陰莖活動。所謂快速睡眠相,即通常所說的深度睡眠,此時眼球快速不規則運動,肌肉更加鬆弛,體溫和血壓升高,呼吸、心 率加快,體內各種代謝功能明顯增加。在這一階段,人們往往會做夢。這時出現勃起,可以給陰莖灌注高血流量,保証氧氣和營養物質的補充,是勃起功能的自我維 護。這種勃起不受心理因素的干擾,能真實地表現出性功能狀況。



男 性性成熟後,陰莖在早晨會經常出現晨勃,對男性來說,早晨體內雄性激素分泌比較旺盛,有利於激發性欲和勃起。此時的勃起程度,比其他任何時間都更堅硬、更 持久,會讓男人在性愛方面更自信。此時,看著愛人慵懶而性感的躺在身邊,不妨溫柔地親吻愛撫她,來一次完美的性愛大餐。這時過性生活能獲得較好的效果,而 且可以更省力。





而 男性晨勃自慰時所達到的第一次射精,此時的精液最適合拿來「口服」食用,精液由精子和精漿組成,其中精子占5%左右,其餘為精漿。它除了含有水、果糖、蛋 白質和脂肪外,還含有多種酶類和無機鹽。精漿裏含有果糖和蛋白質,都是精子的營養物質。此外,在組成精漿的50幾種化學物質中,有引起人們正面情緒的皮質 醇(cortisol) (增加吸引力)、雌酮(estrone)及催產素(oxytocin) (提振情緒)、羥色胺(抗憂鬱的神經傳導物質)等,含有提升情緒,可增加感情、 誘導睡眠並且包含至少三種抗憂抑鬱物質。

有生育力的正常 男性,晨勃自慰後一次的射精量約為2到6毫升,平均3.5ml。也是口服精液最佳的食用量,雖然研究指出,喝牛奶不如喝精液,但因為精液的來源有限,一般 人在早晨並無法取得大量的精液,因此專家建議,可將精液透過加入在早餐的食物當中,如豆漿、牛奶等營養飲品,將精液混入其中飲用,也可達到口服攝取的效 果。


一般人都認為女性服用精液可以抗衰老,平衡陰陽,治療女性月經不調,改善更年期癥狀。但其 實有學者專家指出,男性比女性更需要服用精液,精液中混合有男性激素,此物質對製造男性荷爾蒙(Testosterone)極有幫助。其中的抗抑鬱功效能 產生如服食興奮劑的“副作用”,增加男性對性的刺激度;因具有緩減緊張和憂慮之效,有助壯膽,提升冒險精神,追女仔都勇敢。

另外精液中含 有少量維生素和糖等營養成分,能改善睾丸的生精功能;碳水化合物成分的合成物,這對控制血壓有好處。因為腎上腺一類的應急激素會使血管變窄,從而使血壓升 高,影響正常勃起,因此男性服用精液便可改善此症狀。現在科學已經發現晨勃精液含有豐富的鈣、維生素 E、磷及鉀,能夠補充活力以增長持久力並刺激性激素的分泌,也就是說男性在晨勃自慰達到射精之後取得的精液,立即服用,最可增加性能力。

Any English translation?


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Guest Pancake

Let Pancake do the rough translations, ya? (I'll just skim through and paraphrase the main points) Oh and do take with a pinch of salt! Cuz semen is after all mostly water and protein. While composition tends to differ, nutrients (apart from water, sugars and proteins) tend to only sum up I about 1-2% of the semen.

What's "morning wood"?

-unintended erections at 4~7 in the morning, despite the absence of stimulation.

-it is a indicator of sexual health. (needless details removed)

-all "normal" guys will experience erections when alseep, especially those who are 10-16 years old, or are adults (wait whutttt?).

- 3-5 times a night, each time 5-30 mins (per instance of erection)

/unneeded paragraph; snip/

- more than one month never get morning wood, better go see doctor; heh :3

- erectile dysfunction can be a symptom of a more serious health issue, such as coronary heart diseases.

- no morning wood doesn't mean no erection while sleeping <- useful for accurate diagnosis of erectile distinction in clinical settings blah blah blah

Why morning wood?

- in-depth medical explanation of morning wood which I shall not elaborate on; can easily wiki it if you really wanna know.

- lack of morning wood doesn't always mean got problem, cuz every guy is different. However, occurrence of morning wood tends to still be a significant indicator of health in many aspects, eg hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, etc etc yada yada.

Improving your sex life

- (lazy to translate but in short, better erections in morning => more satisfaction. Do make good use of your morning wood)

- Morning is also the time when the sexual desires of men by women are most aligned. After a night if rest, lost of hormones surging, so Hornier. In theory, 6-7am is the best time for a man and a woman to have sex.

Morning wood = best time to jerk off

-(general description of how younger or single guys deal with morning wood, i.e. how they jerk off.)

- Modern medicine believe that appropriate release of sexual tensions aids in metabolism. Research also shows that masturbation is essential for psychological development. Semen, like saliva, will not be depleted (I see no link here but... anyway...). Neither will it cause any permanent physical or functional damage to the sexual organs (unclear sentence, but I believe it is referring to the act of masturbation). Male and female masturbation will lead to better understanding of one's erogenous zones, and henceforth result in higher quality sexual acts (?).

- The first ejaculation post-jerking off one's morning wood is most suitable for "oral" ingestion (I have no idea why they stressed "oral" -.-), cum comprises sperms and seminal fluid, of which sperms take up 5%, the remaining is seminal fluid. Cum contains water, fructose, proteins, and fats, and many types of microbes(? I would translate it as fungi but it would be really weird...) and inorganic salts. Cum contains about 50 types of mood-influencing hormones like cortisol (which I'd like to point out is what most people call the "stress hormone") which increases your attractiveness (?), estrone, oxytocin, blah blah blah blah (essentially promoting eating cum lol)

- fertile guys who jerk off their morning wood tend to release 2-6ml of cum, averaging at 3.5ml. Which is also the best amount of cum to drink (?), although studies show that drinking can is better than drinking milk, due to constraints in obtaining cum, normal people are unable to obtain large amounts of cum in the morning, hence experts advise to mix your cum into your breakfast,like into your soy milk or milk, etc. (no its not the issue of my standard of English. This is really how the article is phrased. I'm having trouble getting the significance of many of the points they make as well)

Guys need, more than girls, to drink cum

- It is common belief that girls drinking cum will prevent aging, balance ying-yang (?), treat irregular periods (?), improve menopause (?????). However, scholars argue that guys need to drink cum, more than girls do, as the cum will greatly/extremely aid the production of testosterone (?). It will increase the level of... stimulation(?) (I have no idea...). It will make one bolder, more prone to take risk, more daring to go after girls.

- cum also got minute amounts of vitamins and sugar, as well as other nutrients, and is able to improve the ability of your balls to make sperm; compounds made of carbohydrates, this is good for controlling blood pressure (?). /a bunch more assertions on the nutrients in semen and their effects/ In short, morning wood -> cum -> drink immediately to best improve sexual function.

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Let Pancake do the rough translations, ya? (I'll just skim through and paraphrase the main points) Oh and do take with a pinch of salt! Cuz semen is after all mostly water and protein. While composition tends to differ, nutrients (apart from water, sugars and proteins) tend to only sum up I about 1-2% of the semen.

What's "morning wood"?

-unintended erections at 4~7 in the morning, despite the absence of stimulation.

-it is a indicator of sexual health. (needless details removed)

-all "normal" guys will experience erections when alseep, especially those who are 10-16 years old, or are adults (wait whutttt?).

- 3-5 times a night, each time 5-30 mins (per instance of erection)

/unneeded paragraph; snip/

- more than one month never get morning wood, better go see doctor; heh :3

- erectile dysfunction can be a symptom of a more serious health issue, such as coronary heart diseases.

- no morning wood doesn't mean no erection while sleeping <- useful for accurate diagnosis of erectile distinction in clinical settings blah blah blah

Why morning wood?

- in-depth medical explanation of morning wood which I shall not elaborate on; can easily wiki it if you really wanna know.

- lack of morning wood doesn't always mean got problem, cuz every guy is different. However, occurrence of morning wood tends to still be a significant indicator of health in many aspects, eg hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, etc etc yada yada.

Improving your sex life

- (lazy to translate but in short, better erections in morning => more satisfaction. Do make good use of your morning wood)

- Morning is also the time when the sexual desires of men by women are most aligned. After a night if rest, lost of hormones surging, so Hornier. In theory, 6-7am is the best time for a man and a woman to have sex.

Morning wood = best time to jerk off

-(general description of how younger or single guys deal with morning wood, i.e. how they jerk off.)

- Modern medicine believe that appropriate release of sexual tensions aids in metabolism. Research also shows that masturbation is essential for psychological development. Semen, like saliva, will not be depleted (I see no link here but... anyway...). Neither will it cause any permanent physical or functional damage to the sexual organs (unclear sentence, but I believe it is referring to the act of masturbation). Male and female masturbation will lead to better understanding of one's erogenous zones, and henceforth result in higher quality sexual acts (?).

- The first ejaculation post-jerking off one's morning wood is most suitable for "oral" ingestion (I have no idea why they stressed "oral" -.-), cum comprises sperms and seminal fluid, of which sperms take up 5%, the remaining is seminal fluid. Cum contains water, fructose, proteins, and fats, and many types of microbes(? I would translate it as fungi but it would be really weird...) and inorganic salts. Cum contains about 50 types of mood-influencing hormones like cortisol (which I'd like to point out is what most people call the "stress hormone") which increases your attractiveness (?), estrone, oxytocin, blah blah blah blah (essentially promoting eating cum lol)

- fertile guys who jerk off their morning wood tend to release 2-6ml of cum, averaging at 3.5ml. Which is also the best amount of cum to drink (?), although studies show that drinking can is better than drinking milk, due to constraints in obtaining cum, normal people are unable to obtain large amounts of cum in the morning, hence experts advise to mix your cum into your breakfast,like into your soy milk or milk, etc. (no its not the issue of my standard of English. This is really how the article is phrased. I'm having trouble getting the significance of many of the points they make as well)

Guys need, more than girls, to drink cum

- It is common belief that girls drinking cum will prevent aging, balance ying-yang (?), treat irregular periods (?), improve menopause (?????). However, scholars argue that guys need to drink cum, more than girls do, as the cum will greatly/extremely aid the production of testosterone (?). It will increase the level of... stimulation(?) (I have no idea...). It will make one bolder, more prone to take risk, more daring to go after girls.

- cum also got minute amounts of vitamins and sugar, as well as other nutrients, and is able to improve the ability of your balls to make sperm; compounds made of carbohydrates, this is good for controlling blood pressure (?). /a bunch more assertions on the nutrients in semen and their effects/ In short, morning wood -> cum -> drink immediately to best improve sexual function.



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At one time I was feeling quite lethargic and didn't feel horny for a long time. My morning wood was sometimes not there. I thought I was going through male menopause from being fucked too many times.

There was this chat buddy angmo from Australia. Since he was so far away and an old man I confided with him about my problem. He agreed that I was having male menopause and he had a solution for me.

Male menopause was both a physical and psychological problem. I need more male hormones and also need to learn to enjoy sex. We chatted and teased each other for months since he too was impotent.

Suddenly one day he says he was stopping over at SG for a few days after visiting Bangkok. He would like to see me. I declined since I knew why he went to Bangkok for the moneyboys. I was too old for him and he was too old for me.

On the day of his staying here, he messaged me and so happened I was passing by near Orchard Road, I stopped by Ion to meet him. We only exchanged one pic before but we recognised each other immediately. What surprised me was his eyes showed that he really liked me.

We joked about his adventures in BK and he was not really happy there. It was all about money and the boys were so artificial to him. Then he inquired about my male menopause which was our euphemism for impotence. I told him no change and maybe I will become a total bottom in the future.

Since he was staying over for 3 days, he said maybe I could try his therapy. Every night I would stay over with him. He would feed me oysters and zinc tablets. Every morning he would milk me to stimulate my morning woods. After that I could leave for the day.

He suggested I tried his skills. I knew he had great skills but in Bangkok he didn't use them because since he paid the money he was expecting the moneyboys to service him instead. He was reserving his services for me as a good friend.

Since he said that I agreed and we went back to his hotel after buying a big bottle of canned oysters. We had that for dinner with spaghetti. Then we took the zinc tablets. The I went to shower after him.

After that he placed the big towel on the bed and I spread my legs for him to examine my prostate. I find that to be kinky and started to water when his fingers pressed my prostate. Which to him he said I was perfectly normal and when was the last fuck I had? I told him since few months ago I only had oral sex last few weeks and it was so boring that I didn't come much.

He was fat but not obese and also not my type. But he said it was because I never met someone with good skills. When he did his skills on me it was damn good as he explored every part of my cock and body and he was so passionate that I could not help responding.

He was frank with me that he was interested to milk me for my cum for him to eat. He swallowed every drop of my precum and when I was close he massage my prostate and kept my cock in his mouth with swirling and warm tickling. He can read my pulse and did that for more than half an hour sucking every drop of precum.

When I finally came he swallowed my cock whole and used his throat muscles to milk my cock. I don't know how he did it but it was so wet, warm and tight in there. I came and came till my balls ache.

I was so exhausted that I didn't have the strength to leave. So I stayed over. In the morning I felt something sucking my cock and not surprised to see him grinning at me form below with his mouth clamped onto my cock. He said I had a delicious morning wood and he could not help wanting to eat me. Again he took his time to milk me and again my balls ached. Since it was the weekend, we had breakfast with oysters and zinc tablets. I was worn out.

I slept again and watched some TV while he went out tending to private business which I thought would be meeting more men for sex. I drifted off to sleep to again wake up to his mouth clamped onto my cock. I told him my balls too ache to feed him. He said to enjoy and stimulate me produce juices continuously.

I went back home to change clothes and get my stuff for staying with him. He took a long nap.

For 3 days he milked me till I thought was dead. But each morning my cock woke up with better and better hardness. I began to look forward to being milked by him. Till the last time he told me honestly that he only see my type as pure bottom because my prostate was very sensitive to being milked. If I relaxed and enjoyed being fucked then I will enjoy it like enjoying his milking. To help me relax, he suggested I imagine being fucked is like being milked so don't be stressed about it.

I told him I was never shy being fucked but maybe he was right that I actually wanted more kinky sex. Ohhh, he said actually that was what he meant but was afraid to offend me to say it so direct. But actually he didn't like me to be too kinky because it was dangerous and can become a problem when I get hooked.

He asked to give examples of what was kinky and I honestly told him maybe public sex, gangbanged, maybe BDSM, selling my body like moneyboys in BK....

He said it was normal because I was jaded about vanilla sex after so much experiences. I needed something different to get excited again. If I want to sell my body he can buy me and treat me like moneyboy...he had toys and if I really take his money he will want his money worth and will not be gentle with me.

When I saw the change in his eyes and tones I got scared. This could be the real him setting trap to get me. I said maybe we could try public sex in sauna for people to watch. He said his body not attractive and he don't like going to saunas.

All these talks made me leak more juices and I don't know how but he made me thinking about trying his toys. But I resisted very hard and don't dare to even ask.

After the 3 days, he helped me understand my body and needs more. I regained my morning woods and he fed on me as rewards. But as expected, after using me so intensely he got bored with me and we lose contacts. I did shamelessly asked him why and he said there are men who can satisfy my needs better and we don't need to waste time about useless chats.

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