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Why We Need To Stop Taking Things For Granted


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The recent Bw Outage makes me to re-think and re-member how not to take things for granted in life.  Rudely, it is also about how much appreciation has been given and thought off.  While there are so many other alternative activities/things that I can pursue - and letting go or simply move on, admittedly certain thing (like reading/browsing/moderating the Forum) has become a part of a daily routine in life.  Any disruptions, like it or not, can and may cause some level of inconveniences.


Without this little process, unknowingly a source of (fill in the blank), hopefully it is a reality check to remind us to appreciate how easy we have been having it.


Sharing some interesting articles ....



We Never Appreciate Something Until It’s Gone

Source:  http://elitedaily.com/life/we-never-appreciate-something-until-its-gone/


We live in a world where we are busy being worried about all the wrong things, at all the wrong times. We all believe that we are entitled to everything that we have and never truly appreciate anything that we have until it’s gone. We take too much for granted- only when those things are gone do we realize how important they truly were to us.


As many of us know, the East Coast got slammed by Sandy, which is the second worst disaster to hit the United States after Hurricane Katrina. As many experienced having no power, gas, heat or hot water for days, it was a true shock to them and showed many of us that at any moment the basic necessities of life can be taken away from us.


It was a reality check; it showed us that we are not invincible and that we ought to appreciate how easy we have it here because many around the world don’t nearly have the luxuries that we have in the U.S.


Besides the basic necessities of life that we need to appreciate we also need to appreciate life itself. We only truly get one shot at it and we are blessed with being the most dominant species to walk the planet. But nothing is forever- loss is inevitable and time does pass.


We have to understand that we will not have everything we have now forever and that waiting until after it’s gone is not the time to sit and wish you would have done more when you had the opportunity to do so. Most of the time we take our lives and all that we treasure for granted, and don’t really know its true worth until it’s not around.


The problem with us humans is that we think we will have things forever and don’t ever get reality checks like the one given to us by hurricane Sandy. We feel no compunction to get off our asses to do the hard things that are necessary to honor and cherish them.


If we give in to the childhood fantasy that everything just takes care of itself, we do not feel the conviction of responsibility to do all that we can to preserve, protect, and invest in our lives, each and every day. That is the problem with our society.


We need to have a sense of awareness and be thankful for everything we have at all times, not just on Thanksgiving, via Twitter.


We don’t ever live in the moment anymore and always have other things on our mind- things that we incorrectly deem to be of greater importance- and are never happy with what is in front of us. We think we can have better.


That is not living. That is not enjoying life. We need to be present in life; we need to enjoy every moment for what it is worth because if there is one thing I have realized, it is that that moment, once it passes, is gone forever.


Without the awareness of the passage of time we let opportunities slip by rather than seizing the moments when they come. How many opportunities do we let pass us by while transfixed under the spell that we will get another tomorrow? The opportunity to step up, to take a risk, to do the right thing, to make amends, to say, “I’m sorry” or “I love you.” Life is too short to keep these things bundle up inside.


As human beings, our first-order inclinations are toward survival and self-protection. If we are honest, we can acknowledge that this leads to a kind of laziness. We want to hide out, to shirk responsibility, to let someone else do the dirty work. Left unchecked, this natural human urge keeps us in our cocoon where we never get anything substantial done, and never get anything much out of life. Now that’s depressing.


The good news is that, if we can develop the courage to face the fact that loss is an inevitable part of life, we help create the conditions in which we can get up and get rolling. Herein lies a paradox. It is only when we see ourselves within the limitations of time that we can become aware of the value of time.


This is the path to a most desired state: living in the moment. Here, we can be guided by a set of much more uplifting sayings like, “Carpe diem” and “Be here now” and “No regrets.”


You need to live in the moment and appreciate everything and everyone you have around you. Be present in life, not always worrying about what is going to happen next. Life is made up of the moments that are to be cherished and when we are on our last days that is what we are going to remember.


Allow yourself to create those memories and value them because they are worth more than anything money can buy. You can’t buy happiness, but you can create it.


Preston Waters | Elite.




Why We Need To Stop Taking Things For Granted

Source:  http://elitedaily.com/life/why-we-need-to-stop-taking-things-for-granted/


We are all so much more fortunate than we give ourselves credit for. We constantly preoccupy ourselves with thoughts of things we don’t have and experiences we are missing out on.


We need to learn to be appreciative and grateful for everything we have and everything we are going to receive. If we all stopped for a moment and looked around us, we would find endless things we have that others are not as fortunate to have. People complain constantly about having an outdated model of a car or phone when we should just be grateful we have these things in the first place.


“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, and confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”


You really do not know how good you have it until it’s gone. In relationships, people tend to get too comfortable and as a result become bored and complacent. This can result in infidelity and the destruction of the relationship itself. Only until after the relationship has been ruined does this person realize the terrible, irreversible mistake they have made. At this point it is too late; this person failed to realize how fortunate they were and as a result destroyed what they loved.


People get in life-altering accidents everyday. Look at the Boston bombing massacre, participants had no idea their lives were about to change forever. If you take something for granted, you don’t worry or think about it because you assume you will always have it. Some of these people will never have the ability to walk again, something we take for granted on a daily basis. Tragedies like this make us re-examine our lives.


“Never take someone you love for granted. Hold every person close to your heart because you might wake up one day and realize that you lost a diamond while you were too busy collecting stones.”


Shouldn’t we just be happy we have food on the table and a roof over our heads? So many people in the world would do anything for these things, but we still complain everyday that we do not have enough.


We take advantage of the people in our lives, like our friends and family. We make the fatal mistake of assuming that these people will just be there for us without providing extra effort. A person who is not grateful toward their parents is one who has taken their love for granted.


“Learn to appreciate what you have before time makes you appreciate what you had.”


This is a natural occurrence that happens to everyone in his or her life. It is a default mode we all get into when we become complacent in different aspects of our lives. We need to regain the consciousness of the things in life we have become so accustomed to. Imagine how hard life would be if we didn’t have access to the Internet or to food or to clean drinking water. When you make yourself aware of how blessed you really are, that is when you learn to appreciate the “little” things in life.


Life is too short to waste our time thinking about what we do not have. We obviously can survive without them; we have made it this far. Things do not make us happy, it is how we feel within ourselves that really matters. What you get out of life depends entirely upon your attitude. The things that truly provide happiness are usually right in front of us. What we need to do it continuously remind ourselves where we’d be without them.


“Never fail to appreciate someone who cares for you. Just because they’re always in your life to help in some way, never fail to give thanks or recognition. To value someone or something too lightly is a risk no one should take.”


In order to achieve wanting only the things and people that you have you need to look into the positive things you gain from having these people or things around you. The things you take for granted are the things others are praying for.




Click Here To Visit My Blog @ "The Blessed Life"

*Let me live my life to be an instrument of 'Love', in how I speak and in how I see others*

- May there be Love and Peace beyond all understanding -

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Guest bigotted

Die die if BW is gone, we still have Trevvy as a backup forum. LOL... Right now, Trevvy is so quiet & dead - not much postings.

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Guest Guest

I would think otherwise ! I certainly do not think my bosses , ex or even friends care to appreciate after I am gone , they are probably busy with someone new ! And that is it a fact !!

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So the outage should not happened and cannot be tolerated.


Guess, in the world where money talks and should BW has lots of it, the repercussion of the outage could easily indemnify the situation.  Unfortunately, BW lacks the 'talk on money' and "so the outage, unfortunately, need to be tolerated".

Click Here To Visit My Blog @ "The Blessed Life"

*Let me live my life to be an instrument of 'Love', in how I speak and in how I see others*

- May there be Love and Peace beyond all understanding -

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